The Giant Donut Capital of the World
It's the first Friday of June, which means it's time to wish you all a Happy National Donut Day!Of course, though this might seem like one of those hashtaggable "#National[Food Name Here]Day memes that...
View ArticleThe Militant Takes On Long Beach's Beach Streets Uptown (a.k.a. Uptown Funk...
Just when you had your fill of CicLAvia last week, along comes another one! Well, kinda.On Saturday, the City of Long Beach initiated its own ciclovia, or open streets, event, called Beach Streets (no,...
View ArticleSo The Clippers Have A New Logo Now, Eh?
Did you hear? Today the Los Angeles Clippers officially announced their new logos and branding:No wait, it's this one:Okay...Well, while the team and Teh Ballmer Himself thinks it's all that, The...
View ArticleThe Militant's 25th Anniversary Ultimate (M) Blue Line Tour!
Happy 25th Birthday, you Millennial, you!Today marks the 25th Anniversary of Los Angeles' Metro Rail system, which began with the July 14t, 1990 opening of the Metro Blue Line, Los Angeles County's...
View ArticleThe Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour 4.1!!!!
Interactive map - click and zoom! Click here to view the map separately! So we're already nearly 5 years into the CicLAvia thing, haven't we had enough already?OF COURSE NOT!Just when we got over the...
View Article10 Reflections on Sunday's "Culver City Meets Venice" CicLAvia
The Militant so far has a perfect 14 out of 14 CicLAvia attendance record, and having gone though this thing that many times, it can certainly feel nearly routine. He most certainly had a wonderful...
View ArticleHappy 20th Birthday, (M) Green Line!
That's A Wrap: The Green Line, wearing a promotional wrap reading, "Metro Green Line Open Summer '95." was the first line to feature wrapped rail cars.Twenty years ago today, Bill Clinton was...
View ArticleAsk The Militant: Alsace and Alla That
Whatup, readers! The Militant is proud to debut what may or may not be the first installment of a new feature of The Militant Angeleno blog called, "Ask The Militant," an interactive post where...
View ArticleAmazing Place: Inside Chapman University's Huell Howser Exhibit
The classic shot of The Huell at the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve greets visitors to Chapman University's new Huell Howser Exhibit, now open to the public.No figure has been an influence and...
View ArticleStaking Out The Damage From "La Habra Shakes"
Welcome to La Habra, home of...uh, La Habrans?After attending the Huell Howser Day festivities at Chapman University on Saturday, The Militant, along with one of his operatives, decided to head up the...
View ArticleWhat's New, Blue? A Tour Of The Latest Dodger Stadium Renovations
On Monday, The Militant joined about 55 people and five hipsters on a tour of the new 2014 season renovations at Dodger Stadium, as well as a glimpse of things most fans, especially the disadvantaged...
View ArticleThe Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour 5.01!!!!!!
Click here to open the actual interactive map, because the new Google Maps suck ass.Yes, friends, it's an exciting week for Los Angeles. Dodger baseball season returns to The Stadium on Friday, and...
View Article34 More Suburbs In Search Of Their Names: An Etymology Of Orange County's Cities
Last November, The Militant came out with a list of the origins of the 88 incorporated cities of Los Angeles County, satisfying the curiosities of transplants, immigrants and natives alike, many of...
View ArticleThe Village, People: The Militant Takes On The Village at Westfield Topanga
Ah, the shopping mall. The grand cathedral of consumerism. Like the hamburger and surfing, it wasn’t invented in Los Angeles, but we created the archetype by which it is widely known, as well as an...
View ArticleThe Militant's Epic Militant CicLAvia Tour 3.5!!!!
Click here for the large version of this map!A certain state/local agency believes that the first 5 years of a child's life is crucial for its development and eventual success and well-being later in...
View Article#SaveThriftyIceCream
The biggest financial news headline on Tuesday was the announcement that the Chicago-based Walgreens drugstore giant will be buying its rival, Rite Aid Corporation for $17.2 billion.Now for most people...
View ArticlePacific Electric Week: The Militant's Pacific Electric Archaeology Map
P to tha E, yo.So how was your Summer? You might have watched the hottest blockbusters, attended some awesome outdoor concerts or spent some time at the beach......But The Militant hardly did any of...
View Article2016: A Militant Preview
Whatup and Happy Militant New Year! It's 2016 already, and we have a year ahead of us that may or may not be the greatest year ever (of course we say that every year)!2016 is already a year of big...
A vision of the future on the past and present.On Saturday, the 6th Street Viaduct got some major love with a big-ass farewell shindig on the bridge itself in the form of the 6h Street Bridge Festival....
View ArticleIt's Time For Dodger Fan Fest
With the Holiday Season and the regular NFL season both finished, it's time to look forward to some baseball, and on Saturday, thousands of Dodger fans returned to Dodger Stadium for the second annual...
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