The day is finally coming! In case you didn't know, The Militant Angeleno and Ted Rogers (of Biking in LAwill be leading a live guided tour of Sunday's "Celebrate L.A.!"CicLAvia route! We are excited and totally stoked to be bringing this to y'allz for the very first time, and it will be a truly fun day.
We encouraged people to RSVP by Friday, but we expect people will just join in regardless, or just join in the tour because it's a tour. That's cool and all, and everyone is welcome. But there are some things you need to know first:
1. We will be meeting at 12:00 noon Pacific Daylight Time at the Walt Disney Concert Hall outdoor stairway near the northwest corner of Grand Avenue and 2nd Street. It looks like this:
2. The ride will leave no more than 15 minutes later, so 12:15 basically. We expect a total tour time of about ~2 hours. Maybe a little more. Hopefully everything will be done before 3 p.m.
3. We will not be stopping at all 42 points of interest (that would take us all day), but we will be making between 8-12 stops along the way and pointing out the upcoming points to look for before we make the next stop.
4. Ted Rogers of Biking in L.A. will be leading the ride, so you will be following him. The Militant will be at the back end of the pack and will make announcements on his Militant Megaphone. We will be going at a leisurely pace. No rush, yo!
5. There will be two detours from the CicLAvia route along Melrose Avenue. One will be a very short one off Melrose and the other will be within a 4-block radius of Melrose & Vine before re-joining the CicLAvia route.
6. You can leave and/or rejoin the tour at any time. Just don't do it all together. Please?
7. Please respect The Militant's anonymity. Do not attempt to unmask The Militant. Also, if you think you know who he is, don't go, "Hey, you're [real name]!" because that sucks right there for all parties involved. Also, do not follow/stalk him at the end of the tour. He has a group of undercover operatives following him at any time in the vicinity who are trained to attack if any such attempt is made. You will be sorry. Very sorry.
8. Photos/selfies of or with The Militant are perfectly fine on Sunday. But please do ask first. Also, Ted Rogers deserves the same amount of courtesy, even though he will not be masked.
9. If you're sharing your experiences on social media, please use the hashtag "#EpicCicLAviaTour."
10. MANDATORY LEGAL STUFF (nothing personal, don't feel intimidated): By joining this tour, you are joining at your own risk. You agree to accept all responsibility for any loss or injury incurred. Both The Militant Angeleno and Ted Rogers/Biking in L.A. are not held liable for any unfortunate circumstances. But most likely everything will turn out fine. We just want to cover our asses.
11. The Militant appreciates any and all constructive feedback! Feel free to reply to this email or DM The Militant on Twitter after the tour and let him know what you think! He'd like to do this again at future CicLAvias, and hopes the next guided tour can be even better!
The Militant will try to live-tweet to let everyone know where we will be in case you want to tag along or join in.
The Militant will try to live-tweet to let everyone know where we will be in case you want to tag along or join in.
See you (for reals now!) on Sunday!